
Bachelor Thesis - Sustainable Web Design Guidelines
Bachelor Thesis - Sustainable Web Design Guidelines

This thesis focuses on the environmental impact of the Internet and the need for Sustainable Web Design practices.

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Research Paper - Awareness and Practicess of Sustainable Web Design
Research Paper - Awareness and Practicess of Sustainable Web Design

This is one of the research papers made during my thesis about Sustainable Web Design. The Research paper compares the awarness and practices of Web Developers in the industry towards Sustainable Web Design.

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Fullstack Exam - Coffee Dashboard App
Fullstack Exam - Coffee Dashboard App

For our exam in Fullstack, my group developed a Fullstack MERN application that displays the current coffee that has been brewed, with authentication, rating system and admin privileges. These privileges were CRUD operations for various tasks within the app.

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WoT Automatic payment and Parking system
WoT Automatic payment and Parking system

This project was a project dedicated to understanding and trying out WoT. My group made a preototype for automatic parking system that gave users an overview of free parking spots.

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Information Architecture - Learnica Student App
Information Architecture - Learnica Student App

In my course about Information Architecture, my group made a new app for students that would replace the current system used in NTNU, called Blackboard. This was made in Figma.

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