Bachelor Thesis - Sustainable Web Design Guidelines

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This bachelor's thesis focuses on the environmental consequences of the Internet and the need for sustainable web design practices. The Internet requires significant computing power and electricity, which contributes to climate change. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to minimize the web's carbon footprint by examining awareness, practice, challenges and barriers that both industry and academia face.

The bachelor's thesis presents research carried out for Yavuz Inal on behalf of the *Department of Design at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. It is divided into three studies: Awareness and practice, Challenges and barriers and Guidelines. The studies in this bachelor's thesis examine sustainable web design by examining developers' awareness and practice, identifying current challenges and obstacles to implementation, and proposing practices that should be included in dedicated guidelines for sustainable web design.

By studying these aspects, the bachelor's thesis intends to provide practical guidelines for sustainable grid design to help stakeholders prioritize sustainability in grid solutions and collectively reduce the grid's carbon footprint. In addition, the research results have been published and will be presented at relevant conferences on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and disseminated together with the guidelines on a website developed by the group.

Learning Outcome

Through working with this thesis, I learned a lot regarding both coding and Sustainable Web design.